Sunday, October 30, 2005

The Day Before Halloween

Well, I didn't get to the bookstore or the library - found out the grandgirlies (& my big girl & her hubby) would be spending the day with us today, so I went to the grocery store & stocked up on goodies instead, & cooked up a storm (well, actually a ham, sweet potatoes, baked beans, au gratin potatoes, brownies & spiced cider) which were all gobbled up in no time today.
The little girls had a great time with dressing up Zoe in all her costumes, over on the "allsorts" site (if you have kids & haven't seen this, you need to check it out - SO cute & fun for kids!) & we big girls crafted up treat bags, etc for the pre-k class my daughter teaches. Good times...
Tonight, Desperate Housewives is on, & I am SOOO ready to be in my pj's & under a fuzzy afghan in front of the tube...maybe with a bottle of applebeer.
All Hallow's Eve-eve at its best.

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