Friday, November 04, 2005

Na-Nu Na-Nu From NaNoWriMo Land

For anyone just now tuning in: November is National Novel Writing Month - 50,000 words in one short month, to cross the finishline!
Just popping up from the rabbithole to say "Hi!" It's been fun so far & I'd thought I'd actually been pretty productive - a whole chapter! Woo-hoo! It's a blast, "falling through the hole in the page" (I think that's how Stephen King put it in his book on writing, which I have lying around here somewhere, but of course I can't find it right now to tell you it's actual title....)

Anywhooo, thought I'd been pretty productive, until I saw how much other people have gotten written in the past 4 days. I now realize I better step up the production rate... How many days are there in November? THIRTY!?!? Well, at the rate I've been writing I should be finished by oh, CHRISTMAS! well, maybe New Year's...

I've been just a little too a.r. about self-editing as I go - a bad habit I picked up years ago in another life, when writing newsletters & such. I need to just let 'er rip & pick up the pieces later.
That & somehow I've got to coerce the rest of the family to let me out of some of the ta-ta - like, can't someone else take Peanuts to the Spaymobile tomorrow? (it's HIS lucky day tomorrow! Hope the girlycats are nice to him when he comes back home; for that matter, hope it goes smoother for me than when I took THEM to the Spaymobile (see "Lost In Suburbia" post in Oct).

So, it's been great seeing you (I admit I had to jump around checking on everyone's blogs to see how they're doing...I'm such a looky-loo!), but now it's back down the rabbit-hole!! Thank you so much, everyone, for your Good Luck wishes! It meant a lot to me! You're great!! Can't wait till I see you again...



Anonymous said...

Congratulations on finishing a chapter! It's nice to have a fellow Southern California NaNoWriMo-er blogging about the writing process. :)

Unknown said...

good job!! keep it up, we are all cheering for you!!!

Beryl Singleton Bissell said...

I've just made a concerted effort to work on a blog and would love to link up with you but am still feeling my way around the process and learning how. Your Write that Novel blog sounds interesting because that's what I'm trying to do right now. Having written only nonfiction prior to this, I feel I'm foundering.