No man but a blockhead ever wrote except for money.
Samuel Johnson (Boswell, Life)
A man may write at any time if he set himself doggedly to it.
Samuel Johnson (Boswell, Life)
If good ol' Samuel Johnson couldn't make up his mind how he felt about writing, then at least I'm in good company, blockheads or not.
In honor of National Novel Writing Month (in November), I've informed my family & friends, I'm joining in the NaNoWriMo marathon - wherein you begin at 12:01 am, November 1st (in other words, 1 minute after midnight, Halloween night), and write till you have a 50,000 word novel, and/or it's midnight, November 30th. Don't expect to hear much from me in November, folks (all 3 of you; my loyal readers, hanging on the edge of your seats for my next post! lol :>)
But if you've ever said to yourself, "Someday, I'm going to write a novel!" - well maybe you should hop over to their website & check it out....http://nanowrimo.com
Misery's not the only one who loves company - insanity does, too! C'mon, everybody - what's a little 50,000 word novel going to take? Why that's barely a novella! Only - what, 10-12 pages daily of typewritten prose....C'mon, it'll be fun! So we have Swanson TV dinners for Thanksgiving - it's a small price to pay for the artful life, isn't it? Hellooo! I said, "Isn't it?" Is anybody there? You're not reading anymore, are you?
Fine. Just wait till December 1st & I'm officially a novelist. Huh! - you'll wish you'd paid better attention to my writing then! (lmao) :>D
So, this is your 2 week warning, everyone! Don't expect much out of me for a good month (maybe longer, if carpal tunnel or repetitive motion injuries occur - who knew writing could be so dangerous to your health? Shouldn't this keyboard have little Surgeon General warning stickers on it?)
Hope I have the Write Stuff & cross the finishline with 50,000 words on Nov 30th!
Nothing is ended with honour which does not conclude better than it began.
Samuel Johnson, The Rambler, No. 207)
Cool! I'm joining National Novel Writing Month, too.
That's great! Good luck to you, Jill (I guess this means during Nov, I won't be able to sneak a break in & read your blog, 'cause you'll be busy, too! lol)
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