When I would know thee...my thought looks
Upon thy well-made choice of friends and books;
Then do I love thee, and behold thy ends
In making thy friends books, and thy books friends.
Ben Johnson, Epigrams, No. 86
"What is the use of a book," thought Alice, "without pictures or conversations,"
Lewis Carroll, Alice's Adventures In Wonderland, page 1
"That will be $22.95 in late fees, please."
Disapproving Librarian, heard in a Southern California Public Library, today
Faster than a speedreader! (Not) More powerful than a librarian! (Not!) It's a verb! It's a name! It's Book Woman! (Yep)
Terri aka Tinker aka Book Woman, Librarian's Most Wanted List
"Book 'em, Dan-O!"
Jack Lord, Hawaii Five-O, TV before TiVo
Now that little unpleasantness is behind me, let's see what books I'm not going to have enough time to read/look at this month....The Mermaid Chair, Sue Monk Kidd; How to Buy, Sell & Profit on E-Bay, Adam Ginsberg; Do It For Less! Parties, Denise Vivaldo; The Mixed Media Sourcebook, Sean Dye; Crystal Cove Cottages - Islands In Time On the California Coast, text by Karen Steen, photography by John Connell; New Mexico Artists at Work, text by Dana Newmann, photography by Jack Parsons; Puppetry - A World History, Eileen Blumenthal.
So, read any good books lately?
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